
English Level Test

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Category: Vocabulary

It's best not to talk to my father in the early
morning. He's usually ___ until he's had his

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Category: Vocabulary

One day, I want to climb Mt. Everest. That's a
goal I want to ___ .

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Category: Vocabulary

The visiting soccer team had to ___ their game
because not enough of their players showed up.

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Category: Vocabulary

Every year, many ___ travel to Paris to visit its
famous places.

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Category: Vocabulary

4. It's hard to ___ Brad. He's very rude and he likes
to argue.

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Category: Vocabulary

“I can’t ___ my passport. Have you seen it?”

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Category: Vocabulary

Ron told an inappropriate joke during dinner that
made everyone feel ___ .

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Category: Vocabulary

The directions my friend gave us were ___ , so
we were able to find his house easily.

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

The man and the woman are probably............

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

What will the woman probably do next? 

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

What will the woman probably do? 

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

What does the man intend to do?

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Category: Grammar

The amount of organically grown food on sale has
__________ enormously in recent years.

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Category: Grammar

Pias _____ delighted with the birthday present.

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Category: Grammar

Our students take their responsibilities very
__________ .

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Category: Grammar

By the end of today’s seminar I will __________ to each
of you individually.

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Category: Grammar

The factory workers threatened __________ on strike if
they didn’t get a pay rise.

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Category: Grammar

My mother’s Italian, so __________ the language has
been quite easy for me.

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Category: Grammar

You may borrow my laptop __________ you promise to
look after it.

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Category: Grammar

If the taxi hadn’t stopped for us, we __________
standing in the rain.