
English Level Test

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Category: Vocabulary

It is very ___ to shop on the Internet. All you
need is a credit card.

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Category: Vocabulary

Jack ___ did a thing at work today day. He spent
most of his time chatting with the secretary.

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Category: Vocabulary

One day, I want to climb Mt. Everest. That's a
goal I want to ___ .

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Category: Vocabulary

4. It's hard to ___ Brad. He's very rude and he likes
to argue.

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Category: Vocabulary

Takeshi's job with the government is ___ . He'll
probably work there until he retires.

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Category: Vocabulary

Janet dropped her ring in the ___ . Thankfully, it
didn't go down the drain.

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Category: Vocabulary

Bill wrote a letter to his teacher to ___ his
appreciation for all her hard work.

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Category: Vocabulary

The garbage bag in my kitchen really ___ . I
should take it out.

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

What will the woman probably do next? 

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

The Man and woman probably are........... 

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

What is the woman's relationship to the man?

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Category: Listening

Listen the audio and answer the question

What will the woman probably do? 

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Category: Grammar

It’s a huge painting. It __________ taken ages to

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Category: Grammar

Pierre tends to put __________ dealing with problems,
rather than dealing with them immediately.

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Category: Grammar

By the end of today’s seminar I will __________ to each
of you individually.

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Category: Grammar

This is a photo of my little sister __________ ice cream
on the beach.

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Category: Grammar

__________ I had the talent, I still wouldn’t want to be
a movie star.

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Category: Grammar

Pias _____ delighted with the birthday present.

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Category: Grammar

The factory workers threatened __________ on strike if
they didn’t get a pay rise.

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Category: Grammar

You may borrow my laptop __________ you promise to
look after it.